I don't know who told me these fun facts about the cemetery, or why I feel the need to point them out every single time I drive by. Perhaps I do so to draw guests' attention to the cemetery and away from the crazies that tend to congregate on Memorial Drive. Regardless, I've said that statement to so many times, I believe that what I'm saying is true, even though until Day 118, I'd never actually been there.
On Day 118's thing I've never done before was to visit Atlanta's Historic Oakland Cemetery.
I've been pretty open about 2010 not being the best year for me so far. I'm not sure why, under the circumstances, I thought hanging out in a cemetery, alone, on a cold and rainy Saturday afternoon was a wise move. Perhaps I'm a masochist?
Does anyone have any ins with the circus? Or the parade people at Disney World? These are activities I should be participating in. Enough of all this depressing shit.
I digress.
Oakland Cemetery was cool, though, and I was right! Margaret Mitchell was buried there.
Oakland Cemetery was cool, though, and I was right! Margaret Mitchell was buried there.
There are a lot of people buried there, in fact. This cemetery is huge. I took my time walking up and down the rows of headstones, actually using this experience as my work out opportunity for the day. I'm still not sure I was able to see all of it.
Oakland Cemetery's website says that many of daily distinctions in life were maintained in death. White people were buried separately from African-Americans and Jewish people separately from Christians.
I'm not sure if it was because I just saw Who's Bad the night before or what, but I had to fight a significant and real urge to bust out the Thriller dance while walking through. I reigned in my desire, though and showed respect for the dead.
There were rows upon rows of Civil War veterans' headstones. I learned later that during the Civil War, the city, with the help of the Confederate government, bought more land expanding the cemetery's six acres to 48.
There were rows upon rows of Civil War veterans' headstones. I learned later that during the Civil War, the city, with the help of the Confederate government, bought more land expanding the cemetery's six acres to 48.
No, hanging out in a burial ground certainly isn't the most uplifting activity I could've chosen for this day, but I'm glad I have finally seen the Oakland cemetery that I've been talking so much about.
If I decide that Day 199's thing I've never done before should be "play in rush-hour traffic," please someone intervene.
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